Die Englandfahrt der 7a
Durch die Corona-Pandemie immer wieder verschoben, fand am Gymnasium Nord im April, direkt nach den Osterferien, zum ersten Mal eine Klassenfahrt nach England statt! Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Bili-Klasse der Jahrgangsstufe 7 verbrachten fünf Tage in Gastfamilien ca. eine Stunde entfernt von London.
Nach einer langen Anreise erlebten wir tagsüber, bei typisch englischem Wetter, ein abwechslungsreiches Programm und lernten die britische Kultur hautnah kennen: Wir besuchten Battle Abbey, einen historischen Schauplatz, auf dem im Jahr 1066 die Schlacht stattfand, die die Geschichte Englands maßgeblich beeinflusst hat.
Wir tranken Tee im gemütlichen Küstenort Hastings und die Schülerinnen und Schüler hatten die Möglichkeit Einheimische das zu fragen, was sie schon immer über Land, Leute und Kultur der Insel wissen wollten.
Einen weiteren Einblick in die Geschichte Englands bot uns der Besuch des mittelalterlichen Schlosses Arundel Castle. Die Meeresluft und die beeindruckende Landschaft genossen wir bei den Seven Sisters Klippen und erkundeten schließlich das historische Canterbury. Für viele war der Tagesausflug nach London ein Highlight, denn wir konnten bei einem langen Stadtspaziergang viele beeindruckende Sehenswürdigkeiten sehen.
In dem Bericht, verfasst von Isabella, erfahrt ihr mehr über die Reise und wie diese ihr gefallen hat:
Our class trip to England
From 15th to 20th April our class 7a went on a class trip by bus and ferry to England with ourclass teacher Ms Schmitt and our Arts teacher Ms Askevold. As the bilingual class we had the chance to explore England and live for a few days with host families.
Our trip started on early Monday morning. We met at school at 6 am. A half hour later our bus arrived at our school and the long-awaited journey began. During our bus trip, we played games, talked to each other or just looked out of the window. In the afternoon after four long hours of waiting we finally caught the ferry. It was very windy outside, so we couldn’t stay on the deck so long but it was still a wonderful experience. Afterwards we only had to drive for 1½ hours to King’s Hill.
When we arrived, we met our host families for the first time. My host family consisted of Amy and her boyfriend Peter. We got a soft bed and our own bathroom, but we unfortunately only got toast or cornflakes for breakfast. Dinner, on the other hand, was quite good. Some students weren’t lucky like us and had uncomfortable beds and one family didn’t even speak to them. Many host families had dogs, just like Amy, so we were able to spend time with two cute French Bulldogs, named Gucci and Prada.
Tuesday was a nice day because we visited Battle Abbey and Hastings. Battle Abbey was very cool because we read all about it at school and it was wonderful to actually see it. Afterwards we visited Hastings. There, we had free time to be a tourist, so we bought some souvenirs and ate lunch. We also enjoyed a funny cream tea ceremony with our class.
On Wednesday we were pretty excited because we were going to visit Arundel Castle and the famous Seven Sister cliffs. At the castle were old rooms and items from an earlier time, so we could imagine how people lived in the past. But the time flew by, so it was time to go to the Seven Sisters. They were beautiful just like the sea. We took photos and walked along the cliffs.
On Thursday we finally went to London. Our tour through London started with a boat trip on the river Thames. Afterwards we walked through London and saw sights like the Tower Bridge, London Eye, Big Ben, Royal palace, Chinatown and so on. It was exhausting because we walked 16,3 km but it was definitely worth it. On top of that we had the chance to eat the popular and delicious chocolate strawberries we know from social media, which taste just like heaven. 😊
On our last day we visited Canterbury, but for this we had to meet at 6:40 in the morning. We also had to say goodbye to our host family. It was nice to see another highlight, the Canterbury Cathedral. But just a few students went to see it. Inside of it I felt very small and it was mind-blowing to see what they had built so many years ago. Then we had a tour through Canterbury and after free time in the evening we drove happily home with many new and great experiences.
All things considered, it was on one hand a wonderful class trip because we visited so much and on the other hand an exhausting class trip because we walked many miles. We had many funny moments and good food. I would do it again anytime. 😊
Isabella (7a)